TU206G Turbo Stationair/Turbo Stationair 6 and Centurion Pressurized/Turbo P210N, T210N Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Propeller Kit
- Contains:
- Applicable aircraft:
- Cessna Turbo Stationair TU206G - TSIO-520-M Engine
- Serial numbers 676, U20602589, U20603522 thru U20607020
- Cessna Pressurized Centurion P210N - TSIO-520-AF, -P Engine
- Serial numbers P21000001 thru P21000834
- Cessna Turbo Centurion T210N - TSIO-520-R Engine
- Serial numbers 21062955 thru 21064897
- Number of blades: 3
- Blade design: Square
- Installed propeller and spinner weight: 72 pounds each approximately
- Kit contains parts for one propeller
- For shipping all blades will be removed except for #1 blade and the hub will not be oil filled